Tuesday, 11 April 2017

Final batch of Monotribe CV Gate boxes

Just recently had a few enquiries about the CV Gate boxes that I used to make, I ran out of parts a while back and to be honest demand for them kind of dried up, so I stopped offering them, as I still had some cases left and a few new enquiries I have re-designed a new version, the differences are purely cosmetic, functions remain the same, price is £20 plus postage, these are handmade so if you don't like my price I suggest diy your own, TRRS jack to 2 x TS, tip of TRRS is gate, second ring of TRRS is CV.

Shipping is £9 ouside of UK or £4 in UK, all prices and payment in £GBP by paypal.

I think I have 5 or 6 available then there will be no more, here is a pic.


Friday, 24 February 2017

Februaury 2017 stock status

A small batch of VCO, Xtreme Drum decay and the new Midi I/O/T (with optional VCA de-click) will start shipping from 27/02/17, currently 3 pieces of each are available, they usually go pretty quickly but I might make some more later in the year if you miss out.

 The new midi kit has the option for VCA de-click if you do not mind soldering 1 wire, it also has the option to have the midi out as a midi thru instead, you can install a switch to set if you want to (no switch is included, jumper is pre-set to out)

Prices are: VCO £55
Xtreme drum decay £55
Midi £45
All prices are in £GBP payment is by paypal, shipping is £9 worldwide

I have also made some Moog Werkstatt CV/Gate kits, these have 3 inputs:

CV for VCO
CV for VCF
Proper Gate input.

The CV inputs have trimmers to set scaling and the Gate input also accepts audio from say a drum machine separate audio output, as well as the usual trigger or gate signals, very flexible and make the Werkstatt super useful. The Moog I/O expander can still be used as mine fit inside the unit and holes need to be drilled and 4 wires need to be soldered to fit it, full illustrated guide sent by email.

Price for these is £35GBP

To order or for more info hit the "Email Me" link at the upper right.