Friday, 23 October 2015

Bonus Round - VCO mod NEW BATCH

After a few requests for VCO mod I have managed to source the parts for a final (this time really final!) run, the first 3 will be ready next week (around the 27th October) they are slightly different than the previous version, a different shaped PCB and some component changes, so a slightly different sound, but essentially the same in what they add to the sound capabilities of the Monotribe.

Price is £55 GBP plus shipping (£5 UK, £9 rest of world)

Pretty simple to fit, full illustrated instructions sent by email, they come fully assembled with just 4 wires to solder and a few holes to drill, a drilling template is sent to allow you to get the holes accurate.

Pics and more info to follow soon, in the meantime if you want to order one hit the email link to the right. (monotribemodsATgmailDOTcom)